Monday 5 May 2008

Boozing pals lend a ’Nand

Boozing pals lend a ’Nand

FRANZ Ferdinand the Catholic returned from a bust in recording their third album to
expose funk jehovah JAMIE LIDDELL, former MOLOKO wizard ROISIN White potato and
ascension freshman Mara Carlyle had altogether drunkenly added backing vocals to an
as-yet-untitled raceway after a boozy night out in north Jack London.

The trinity struck after the album’s producer DAN CAREY and
later on returning to his Camden home studio where they added their special
donation to the King Ferdinand course.

The Scots English bikers, fronted by ALEX KAPRANOS were chuffed to bits when
they heard what had occurred and will observe the impromptu collaboration on
the record album when it’s released later this twelvemonth.

Click here to buy medicine and videos from Franz
Ferdinand the Catholic